

发布时间:2020-05-22 08:23:31 作者:admin


由ASPECT Studio与Lyons建筑事务所共同打造的墨尔本Prahran广场于不久前建成开放,目前已成为Stonnington市居民、商旅、游客的首选购物及文化休闲目的地。作为墨尔本有史以来最大的公共空间之一,Prahran广场在规模和级别上可与世界级的著名城市广场相媲美。


Prahran Square, designed by ASPECT Studios and Lyons Architectureis an iconic cultural and recreational destination for residents, traders, shoppers and visitors to Stonnington, with spaces which can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from quiet contemplation to vibrant community events.


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The project is a $60 million transformation of the old Cato Street car park in Prahran into a 10,000m² multifunctional urban square coupled with a new multi-level underground carpark. This world-class urban public space is similar in scale and prominence to some of the world’s most famous urban squares and is one of the largest ever created in Melbourne.

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The project is one of the largest, most ambitious and exciting construction projects ever delivered in the City of Stonnington.  The square provides urgently needed open space for passive recreation, events, festivals and markets in Prahran as well as 20 percent more parking spaces for shoppers and retailers in the surrounding Chapel and Greville Street precincts.