Zhen Wei

Doctor of landscape planning and design in College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, Post doctor of intelligent design in School of Electronics and Information Engineering at Tongji University, Jointly-Training PhD in School of Environmental Design at University of California, Berkeley, Senior researcher and postgraduate supervisor in Shanghai International Institute of Design and Innovation at Tongji University, Correspondent of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE), Member of Architectural Society of China, Member of China Association of Building Energy Efficiency, 2017 China Design Person of the Year Youth Design Expert, Editorial Board Member of national academic journal Design , winner of prizes domestic and abroad. Her design is creative and applicable. Presently, Zhen Wei was specially interviewed and reported by US National TV, Phoenix TV, GE TV, and Zhongguo Daily.

Wei Zhang

Associated professor of Tongji University, Market Director of Shanghai Creationwish Engineering Design Co., Ltd., President of Shanghai Wish Management Consultant Co., Ltd.,Vice President of Sino-US Foundation for Development and Communication, Years of operation management and experienced in market development.

Ke Zhao

Doctoral candidate at the department of management science and engineering, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University; master degree in Finance in University of Sydney; Bachelor degree in Economics in University of California, Berkeley. Rich investment experiences in Fosun International Group, China Universal Asset Management Co., Ltd., and a number of top financial institutions in China.


Kai Cheng Tang is the Founder,President,and Chief Executive Officer of American Pacific Properties Corporation.For the past two decades,he has developed luxury homes in San Francisco.His interest in creating modern,up-to-date luxury homes comes from his family of civil engineers and property developers.They developed and built large manufacturing facilities and major commercial buildings in China.

Feiwei Lin

Well-known architectural and landscape designer, former design director of Shanghai Green City Group, chief engineer at project department in Kaiyi Design Group, 2016 China Design Person of the Year New Prominent Designer, 2017 China Design Person of the Year Youth Design Expert. 15 years of design experience and chief designer of dozens of tremendously influential projects in China.

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